Wednesday, July 25, 2007

love compatibility

Kemaren gw baca CosmoGirl yang bulan Agustus, dan liat bagian zodiak, dimana terpampanglah aries cocok dengan gemini, leo, dan libra. nah, malem ini gw buka myspace, iseng-iseng aja liat love compatibility. hahahaa.. and here are the results :

  • Love Compatibility of Aries with Gemini
Airy Gemini makes your fire burn brighter, Aries. In fact, this may seem like a match made in heaven - and it might just be if you can keep your impulsive nature in check. You get bored easily, needing fresh, new experiences often. The problem is, while you're out there looking for excitement, your Gemini probably isn't sitting home and waiting around for you. When your search turns up nothing, and you finally return because you've realized your Gemini lover is all you need (and you probably will), they might just tell you they've found someone else.
agnes : "haha match made in heaven? kalo gitu mimpi aja! ;p nah je, makanya, kalo udah ketemu yang pasti, jangan sok get bored and looking for the new experiences.. rasain lo, ditinggal sama yang 'waiting', nyesel kan tuh!"

  • Love Compatibility of Aries with Leo

Fire signs tend to work well with other fire signs, Aries, so a relationship with a Leo just might be a match made in heaven. You're impulsive and active, and a creative, expressive and fun-loving Lion will inspire you to greatness. It will take a very secure Leo to give you the freedom you need, though, and you'll have to make sure your Lion always feels adored. There is no shortage of passion between you two - which can lead to both romantic fireworks and emotional ones. Luckily, you both enjoy a good argument as much as you enjoy making up.

agnes : "match in heaven lagi, je? ckckkckk.. nah je, bersyukur tuh, leo bisa ngasih kebebasan! jangan kurang ajar, makanya! dibaikin juga dong, biar ga ngamuk singanya. hmm.. enjoy arguments as much as enjoy making up? pantesan aja, kayanya sekarang elo kalo ada masalah sama ga ada masalah, sama aja.. santaaaaii!"

  • Love Compatibility of Aries with Libra
Libra is the sign directly opposite from you, Aries. As the old saying goes, opposites attract. You tend to be more focused on yourself. Libras tend to spend more time examining those around them, learning through other people's experiences and ideas. This affects your relationship styles as well -- you tend to be fiercely independent while Libras are wired for relationships. Sounds like it could never work, doesn't it? Well, it can and it will. Your opposite natures balance each other out in all the right places -- like opposite sides of a coin.
jeje : "harus ati-ati yah nes? katanya kan, you tend to be more focused on yourself tuh ya, jadi gw memperdulikan diri sendiri.. tapi akhirnya si libra examining sekitarnya.. wah bisa cepet dapet yang baru tuuh! hahaha.."
agnes : "yah kalo si 23 september emang libra, kejadiannya gitu kaaan? hahahhaaa. tapi kalo ada opposite nature balance, itu semacem emang jodoh, kali yah?"

daaan.. Virgo! bahwa sesungguhnya, dari pertama kali gw suka sama virgo, gw selalu berharap bahwa virgo dan aries itu cocok, walau kenyataannya tidak pernah! hauhahhaa.. yaudah sih, tapi gw tetep ingin tau doong! ;p

  • Love Compatibility of Aries with Virgo
How can someone so impulsive and someone so compulsive ever make it work? It won't be easy. Virgos are all about responsibility. They're the ones who start cleaning up the minute the party ends. You, on the other hand, tend to bail when it's time to take out the trash. Your Virgo may judge your spontaneous and childlike ways more harshly than you'd like. Where you and Virgo are compatible, though, is humor - you'll love your partner's quit wit and they'll love your ability to laugh at yourself. Focus on that and you might just be able to accept your differences.
agnes : "ibaratnya, ketika virgo putus, dia udah langsung bergerak membuang masa lalunya, je! sementara aries masih butuh waktu buat melupakan semuanya! hauahhahahahahhahaaaa"

yaapp sekian analisa zodiak dari gw sama agnes malem ini. hahhaa.. paraaah.. paraaahh.. bisa aja deh, nyambung-nyambunginnya! xD

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