Wednesday, February 23, 2005

where's my fairyland?

aku punya blog baru..
semoga rajin lagih isinya.

i wanna be a fairy.
i wanna fly away.
i wanna spread my wings.
fly into the highest sky.
i wanna swing the magic stick.
let them feels the happiness..

blakangan gw cape banget.
kayanya untuk ceritain semua di blog aja sampe males banget.
mungkin karna gw cukup cape untuk ngebahas lagi.
walaupun pengen.

gw cuma butuh tempat.
where there's no one bother me with my simple life.
they seems so care but they're disturbing.
gw cuma pergi bersenang-senang dengan temen.
tapi kenapa jadi hal yang salah?
we doin nothing wrong!

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