Tuesday, December 02, 2008

heading for destruction

hari ini, di jalan pulang ke rumah dari kampus, lagi lagi sehabis hujan! seperti biasa men-shuffle ipod. dan tertegun mendengarkan Sun : Mae.

Waiting for the rain to stop.
Destination: beautiful.
Seems that I'm still waiting for the sun.
Someday will come back to us, if you're willing let it go.
Why won't you just let this be your sun?
It seems like yesterday we had the world our way.
But someday we're heading for destruction.

dan sampe rumah, pengen banget cek fs.
Posted 12/2/2008 1:26 pm
yes i did..

..cheers,u look so sad


dan gw membalasnya,
i'm fine.. :)
thank you, dear.

i'm not fine. honestly, i'm not.

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